Friday, April 24, 2009

Is Tia Mowry Hair Relax

CUAVES Mural in most of the Brigade Another Mural

FITEC 2009
The Balance - Comas

Mural with children in the community. Artist: Mauricio Delgado, Jorge Miyagi, Elio Martuccelli, Silvia Rodriguez and Milton Miranda.

More pictures at:

Thursday, April 9, 2009

How To Delete Nasza Klasa

blog In many discs traditional music is not the first. But reflecting on the subject, I have come to mind the approach of this kind of music today ...

I wondered if in a hundred years there will be even musicologists and ethnographers that engaged to country music collection. That we have been heard coming from his mouth. And above all what kind of music is that which a new century adventurer dares to look . And I'm horrified to think what the grandchildren or the children of the children of today can mean they heard sing to their parents or grandparents ...

The reality is that times and contemporary music are each say that could reflect the uses and ways of life that we occupy space of time ... and what better way to meet people that listen to what they or we would listen. But I am still horrified by the idea ...

Not that criticize tastes not occur to me to swim against the tide sweeping ... say I'm more of a melancholy perhaps any time past was always better or not. But the reality is that these recordings contained leaning houses anonymous, anonymous people, who sang songs that always heard their elders singing .... Anonymous author, unknown perhaps forgotten ... or just songs were invented by them.

The music for the last time was different because they lived ... the holidays, meetings, or work and daily chores were times when you could sing ... television, Internet, is encoded in the song that spoke of romance, the brawl, or banquet last Sunday, where Tomasa blushes when Martin "Pastor" he winked and started to dance ...

Chic Today everything is more Fashion, more sophisticated, and memory of certain corners leaden traditions, outdated, terribly outdated. Perhaps the music today remains as important or negligible then as you want to say. But if not better nor worse than today's music is different ..

Different somehow that was formerly more of the people, music is used as a language and form most common ... today has no relevance, and perhaps this is nothing more than a mere complement to the extensive wardrobe that surrounds us and offers us.

I dance beats is a disc that are collected and recorded songs that I believe fully in the same houses of people who interpret them. The work they did: M. Santamaría, J M ª Alonso and Charles . And the subject matter centers in la Galician traditional music , all themes are recogida in various parts of the Galician Community.

01 - Tap the festival - and Luis Manuel Ferreira Lois.
02 - Muñeira with Birimbau - Emilio Diaz Villaverde.
03 - Jota of Folgoso - Filomena Fraiz, Delfina Tabeada, Filomena Castro, Castro Emerita, Gumersindo Lopez.
04 - Muñeira of Folgoso - Filomena Fraiz, Delfina Tabeada, Filomena Castro, Castro Emerita, Gumersindo Lopez.
05 - Muñeira - Cord Ramon Alvarez.
06 - Pasodoble - Josefa Ameijeras Lois.
07 - Muñeira Old - Josefa Ameijeras Lois.
08 - Pole - Josefa Ameijeras Lois.
09 - Jota - José M ª Ares chestnut.
10 - Mazurka - Flora Vázquez layer.
11 - Muñeira and Manes - Soledad Soares Resende, Manuel Fraga, Josefa Penha Loureiro, Sofia Garcia Perez, Maria Garcia Suarez.
12 - Muñeira Ribeirana - Jesus Amador Blanco.
13 - Jota - Rosendo and Maria Josefina A. García.
14 - Muñeira scratched - Angel Rosendo Vilas and Josephine.
15 - Jota - Ramon Costa and Manuel Costa.
16 - Jota - Elisa White motto.
17 - Rumba - Modesto Gomez Villares.
18 - grapple - Elisa White motto.
19 - Waltz Corrido - Elisa White motto.
20 - Mazurka - Santalla Francisco and Manuel Jamargo
21 - Muñeira - Aurentina Estevez, Sara Celsina Peace and peace.
22 - Jota - Emerita Vazquez, Ines Orestina Fair and Just.
23 - Pasodoble - Emerita Vazquez, Ines Orestina Fair and Just.

I dance rhythms. Tradition
Musical in Spain

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Pokemon Plaitnum Online

I dance beat Jerry Gonzalez and the Pirates of Flamenco

From the Bronx ... the suburbs of Flamenco. In this neighborhood as "known" by all or unfortunately because it has been portrayed many times in the cinema ... From the Bronx to New York to the suburbs of Flamenco . It is the entrance to make justice more Jerry Gonzalez and the disc but I speak of is this .... Do not do it justice this reference within flamenco that where Jerry has moved into the sauce has been in the Latin Jazz , or Afro-Cuban jazz .

started in music as a percussionist and was slowly making its way to the instrument that has been highlighted and marked with a school that I think .... the Trumpet . In Spain, began to talk more about him after Fernando Trueba film bring out his Calle 54 in which I participate ... this album Jerry Gonzalez and the Pirates of Flamenco is a sequel of the movie. But if your participation in this work.

Pirates of Flamenco This album is from my understanding an impressive proof of the talent with a capital of Jerry Gonzalez, I repeat do not think his career mark and of course Jerry must listen within the context that has moved and grown as a musician . But here in this "merger" underscores dramatically. It is true that the two styles are combined to perfection as we have seen in other mergers.

But here the trumpet moves to center stage and floats like a boat on the ocean wave by wave string, drawers and gypsy voices . The image of Jerry on any stage, with his hat and his eyes hidden behind dark glasses of his spectacles eternal and discreet position as if he would not be. But I do not go unnoticed and will be impossible to hide the talent of this man .

Gitanos de la Cava

They are:

Jerry González - trumpet and congas
Jose Heredia - "Child Josele - Flamenco Guitar
Israel Suárez -" Piranha "- Percussion
Pirates of Flamenco - Palms and Choirs

Juan José Suárez "Package" - guitar
Israel Sandoval - Guitar
Andy Gonzalez - Bass
Diego Ramón Jiménez Salazar " El Cigala "- Voice

Jerry Gonzalez and Los Piratas del Flamenco

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Shooting Pain In Side Of Neck

lately has given me

are called Caravan Palace and sound so ... Breaking the canons of Swing

more link palace.htm