Saturday, October 11, 2008

Where To Buy Router In Singapore

new toy

and ye shall have determined that you have not fixed yet, perhaps now you realize that there a new toy in the sidebar of the blog . This is a Last Fm Player. At that time I added music for about 80 musicians and will continue putting more. Most of the disks are in the blog, some will and others certainly may not be never, ever. But the fact is that now as curioseáis here and you have the audacity and the courtesy to read my "tirades" you have the opportunity to liven up.

reproduction is always random and only you have to give the famous Play to begin, you can also scroll through songs until you find one that deserves to be heard. And I think are worth a lot because the election has been thoroughly spoiled! Anyway ... that is to, that is to, that is to, that's all folks ....

AH I forgot here you can see what music I have to make your own etc, etc. Last.Fm

Thursday, October 2, 2008

What Kind Of Business Is Lia Sophia?

Unless Four - Folk Aulaga

Today I'll introduce you to some friends who call Aulaga Folk .
Aulaga Folk born around an idea with which many groups have been created and is to provide continuity, progression and scope to a culture. And it does with music Ambroz . The Ambroz is a valley in the north of Cáceres in Extremadura , very close to English land and crossed by the route de la Plata, one of the ways most important commercial and cultural history of the peninsula Iberian. And steeped in bitter that music will nourish, collecting carry the very hands that have owned and inherited through hundreds of years. And reflect this vital witness full of knowledge, names, memories, stories transformed into music. And leave in our hands as a lively awareness that makes sense to take a trip unstoppable in time.

join this trip in 2002 with " From our way Ambroz "doing work from this base that I have already mentioned, and as a fundamental participant in the culture of the land bring from their own concept and ideas to roots music. In 2005 see the light " not bad wood " where his own contribution is even more evident with the arrival of original compositions and arrangements for the more traditional topics a more contemporary air, opening Ambroz music to other musical styles that do nothing but enrich and generous open spaces for the future.

and are currently working on her next album to be called "Unless Cuarto which I can offer as a scoop and thanks to the whole group but especially Juan Carlos bother to send me the demo.

For those who want to know more about them and Ambroz music, or for example where you can see your next concert or listen to more tracks from their previous work, you have your page: Aulaga

Aulaga Model of Folk - Fourth Unless

Download - Download